POTS is the name for the original analog telephone connection and stands for Plain Old Telephone Service, Post Office Telephone Service or Post Office Telephone System. Definition Depending on the interpretation, this can have the following (conflicting) meanings: In the rest of this article, we will start from the first definition, as it is most consistent with the definition of other terms. Note that the term PSTN is often also used as “analog counterpart to ISDN”. However, this definition is incorrect. PSTN is the name for the entire telephone network (analog or digital), while ISDN only refers to the end points of this. Consequently, it makes sense to use POTS in the first definition above so that it refers to the analog endpoints. Thus, in this terminology, the entire telephone network is PSTN (analog or (nowadays fully) digital), and this has user endpoints as either POTS (analog) or ISDN (digital). Signals All signals pass over only two conductors (except ground): […]